Venous Doppler

A Venous Doppler ultrasound is ordered to detect blood flow through the veins in your legs by bouncing high-frequency sound waves of circulating blood cells.  How is this different from other ultrasounds?  A regular ultrasound uses sound waves to produce images and can not show blood flow like the doppler can.

Your doctor would prescribe a venous doppler ultrasound to check for:

  • Blocked veins
  • Blood clots
  • Poorly functioning valves in your legs, usually indicated by swelling in your legs
  • Decreased blood circulation into your legs (peripheral artery disease) 

During the Venous Doppler Ultrasound, the sonographer will place a small amount of gel on your leg ( or other location as indicated by your doctor) 

The transducer will be placed on your leg and relay pictures back to the ultrasound machine of your veins  

These pictures will be transferred to a Radiologist to read the pictures and provide a report to your doctor 

Once received the doctor will provide the results at your follow up visit