Peace Medical Center understands how difficult it can be to manage your chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), arthritis, sleep apnea, cancer, etc.
Sometimes your care may feel fragmented, you are having to piece together care with your PCP and specialists.
At Peace Medical Center we offer the approved Chronic Care Management (CCM) program that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid have developed to provide better healthcare and support for you.
The Chronic Care Management team at Peace Medical Center is built around your medical specialists which includes your doctor, medical staff and support staff to help bridge the communication gap amongst different physicians, community services and social services.
Patients can receive education on their diseases, support in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, assistance in referrals to specialists, managing transitions of care, recording patient health information, maintaining a comprehensive electronic care plan, as well as sharing and or obtaining patient health information within and outside of the practice.
It has been noted in the past that those individuals who participated in a chronic care program were less likely to end up in the emergency room or admitted to the hospital, simply because they had a chronic management team on their side.
To be eligible for the Chronic Care Management services you must have 2 or more chronic conditions and have insurance under Medicare or Medicaid, or one of their managed care plans.
While services are not yet available to persons with commercial insurances, we hope one day soon we can expand our support to an even larger group of people.