Medicare Wellness Visits


The Medicare Wellness preventative visit, also known as the Medicare Wellness Part 1, is a screening visit recommended to all Medicare beneficiaries 

What is a Medicare Wellness Part 1 Visit?

This is an opportunity for patients to have a face to face visit  with their primary care physician to review their health history, updates on other providers involved in the patient’s care and make a health plan for the future

What does the Medicare Wellness Part 1 Visit cover?

  • Height, weight, BMI and blood pressure measurements
  • A review of potential risk for depression
  • Memory loss screening
  • Fall risk prevention and management
  • Pain Measurement
  • Discuss risk factors for cardiovascular disease
  • Review urological history, any incontinence present
  • Mammography and Colonoscopy updates
  • Ensure vaccines are given timely to prevent sickness
  • Offer a chance to discuss advance directives
  • Update or develop their personalized prevention help plan to prevent disease and disability based on their current health and risk factors
  • Diabetic Care
  • Discussion regarding your medication adherence, they are being taken as prescribed and refilled timely

What are the Costs for Medicare Wellness Visits?

The emphasis of this visit will be on prevention and screening, NOT detection and diagnosis

Please understand that if your physician addresses your additional medical concerns or chronic diagnosed conditions then that service will be subject to your Medicare deductible, coinsurance, and/or copay.

What should you bring?

  • Records from any other providers involved in your care
  • Medications for review


The Medicare Wellness physical exam, also known as the Medicare Wellness Part 2, is a physical examination visit recommended to all Medicare beneficiaries

What is a Medicare Wellness Part 2 visit?

This visit will involve a physical examination to help your doctor determine the general status of your health

What will be checked?

  • Your height, weight, BMI and blood pressure
  • Women may need a breast exam, pap smear, and/or pelvic exam exam
  • Men may need a prostate exam, testicular exam, and hernia check
  • Colorectal Screening
  • The family and social history will be reviewed and updated, questions in regards to your smoking status, alcohol consumption, exercise regimen and diet will be discussed
  • Diabetic Care Discussion to include a diabetic foot exam, microalbumin test, Hemoglobin A1C laboratory test and yearly Diabetic Eye Exam

Screenings to be included are:

  • Depression
  • Alcohol
  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Discussion regarding your medication adherence, are they being taken as prescribed and refilled on a timely basis and as prescribed?

What will you need to bring?

  • Medications in their original bottle
  • Dress appropriately for a physical exam
  • Bring any records from outside providers to include any recent hospital stays, colonoscopy screenings or mammograms

What is the Costs for Medicare Wellness Part 2?

The Medicare physical examination is covered by Medicare and is not subject to copays or deductibles

However, if any additional diagnosis or medication refills are performed, then that service will be subject to your Medicare deductible, coinsurance, and/or copay

The Chronic Care Management Team will help provide support to you to ensure your screenings have been arranged with any outside referrals

The Medicare Wellness Series coupled with the Chronic Care Management Team will provide individual care to you

These visits should be arranged yearly

Please call Peace Medical Center to arrange your visit today and get started to a healthier you